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Types of Sexual Harassment


Sexual harassment can occur in many ways. Our view of it can tend to be limited and we don't realize just how large the potential is for it to take place on the job is. Sexual harassment includes any form of harassment that is based on sex, gender harassment, sexual nature, childbirth, pregnancy or certain medical conditions. It can be aimed at a male or a female and the individual committing the harassment can also target someone of the opposite sex or the same sex as themselves.

It is important to know what sexual harassment looks like it so that it can be prevented or stopped when it does take place. Recognizing it and the different ways that it occurs can also help to get an employee out of a harmful situation. Some of the ways that sexual harassment can occur including the following:

  • Physical touching
  • Assault
  • Preventing or blocking the individual from moving
  • Derogatory comments including jokes
  • Unwanted advances
  • The threat of retaliation
  • Leering
  • Displaying an image that is sexually suggestive or pornographic
  • Threatening a person's job if they don't comply with advances
  • Offering advancements for sexual favors
  • Sexual gestures
  • Sexual comments
  • Using degrading words
  • Offensive letters

When sexual harassment does occur it should be brought to the attention of the company. If they do not address it then legal action may be necessary. Any form of sexual harassment can be devastating and you should not wait until the situation has escalated to seek intervention. If you believe that you have been the victims of sexual harassment, contact our firm's Orange County sexual harassment lawyer. We are strong defenders of our clients' rights and we seek just results when they have dealt with offensive behavior at work.
