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Sexual Harassment can Occur in any Type of Workplace


Workplace sexual harassment is a common occurrence that people often hear about or talk about. However, what often goes unanswered is, why these employees do not report this behavior to their employer or human resources. There are a multitude of reasons why employees do not report sexual harassment. Often times these employees feel shock, denial, shame, or because they depend on this job for survival.

When people try to imagine the type of person who would be willing to put up with such inappropriate behavior, they often time imagine a struggling single parent, a young adult simply trying to survive, or someone of limited means. These individuals generally fear the potential retaliation that will happen if they do report any sexual harassment. This fear is not limited to losing their job, abuse, or a hostile work place but, future employment. These individuals depend on their employers for future job references and other job opportunities.

However, in a recent interview done with Megyn Kelly, these circumstances and reasons are not limited to people of limited means, sexual harassment is also common among highly ranked professionals. As discovered in the interview with Kelly, these individuals also fear losing their jobs or a hostile work place environment. Further, the size of the community they work for may be so small, that a report of sexual harassment will negatively affect their relationship with fellow coworkers, future employment, or a potential investment opportunity.

Sexual harassment can occur in any workplace. If you or anyone needs help or advice with sexual harassment, please feel free to contact our offices.


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